April 16, 2013

I will be a Vegetarian one day

Dearest, Best Mom Ever,

I watched the movie "Samsara" yesterday. Purely visual, no words. See below. It was feautred on Itunes. At first I started watching doing stuff on the side, some research, some blog reading. After a while I got the hang of it and I was fascinated. Creators Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson travelled around the world for five years and captured nature, civilisation – which doesn't seem too civil most of the time – and people. Plus food processing... from animals. I was hardly able to watch and I felt so sick of myself eating meat, drinking milk. I thought about becoming a vegetarian so many times. But I simply love a nice Parma or Parmigiano, spare ribs, a burger, a great steak. Latte Macchiato... It's the Italians fault. Who would be able to travel to Italy without eating meat and dairy? It is just so demanding. Tom end I decided a while ago to pay very close attention to what kind of meat we buy. Consume less animal products. But renounce it entirely?

Yesterday I decided that I would try to be vegetarian. I will find ways around it. I am serious about it definitely. Step by step I will change my diet and will see where it takes me.

However. Today I had to un for a lense UV filter for my new camera (dreadful, but very happy-ending story), stopped by the Italian superstore and bought... yes, Vitello Tonato... I think it's kind of fine chicken slices with tuna – tuna is a whole new problem –  I only realized my "mishap" at the cashier... then we had time until the Radio Shack opened and I was very hungry, MC etc was around the corner and they have the most delicious Bacon and Egg Muffin I rarely eat because I never make it there before 10.00 am. Bacon is the worst and most disgusting.

To apeace myself I just had some Prosecco on ice. Because I am SO EXCITED about London tomorrow. Like christmas as a child! Like the club as a twen. London as a Fortsy? What's the efffing, cute word for an almost Forty-something?

I love you. I miss you so very much, tears are ready to jump onto my cheeks all the time. I am tipsy.
Please. Come back.

PS: My nose looks very ugly shot from below.

Samsara Theatrical Trailer from Baraka & Samsara on Vimeo.

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